Cats are Introverts; Dogs are Extroverts. Prove Me Wrong

M.R. West
3 min readSep 11, 2020

A picture says a million words, and while this may be a random stock image I found on the internet, I feel like it proves my point without my saying anything.

Introvert: a shy, reticent person.


recluse · lone wolf · hermit · solitary · misanthrope · outsider · maverick · nonconformist · individual · hikikomori · eremite · cenobite · anchorite · stylite · solitudinarian

I heavily identify as an introvert. I like being around my friends, but on my own terms. Being around people for too long really drains my social battery and the only way to recharge that battery is by being alone. I am also a cat person. Not as in crazy cat lady with 26 cats whose home always smells like cat pee. But as in a person who has a few cats as pets and enjoys their company. And whose house does not smell like cat pee, but does have more fur laying around than the average person might.

That being said, cats are definitely introverts. They sleep most of the day away. They’re fine with socializing but strictly on their terms. If they do not want to be around you, they will not. When my four year old niece comes to my house, my cats don’t even have to see her before they are running away to hide until the small, energetic human leaves them to their peace and quiet. They can be friendly, but they’re relatively happy being by themselves. Or if they are like my cat, Taylor, they act like they hate you, but come up and cuddle up when they think you are asleep and not paying attention to the rare affection.

Extrovert: an outgoing, overtly expressive person.


outgoing person · sociable person · life and soul of the party · socializer · mixer · mingler · social butterfly · socialite · party animal

Everything about the Merriam-Webster definition of extrovert screams dog. This definition describes my sister’s two year old labradoodle, Mya, to a T. That dog is the most excited creature. Anytime any new person shows up, she is just so damn excited to see them. She can play and play and play all day long until bedtime, and then she’ll wake up and do it all again the next day. If Mya were a person, she would find any excuse possible to meet new people and make plans with friends. She would want to go go go. People energize her, and I’m sure if you know any dog, you can think of a dog that sounds just like this. Thus, making my argument that dogs are extroverts valid.

Obviously there are exceptions. I do know a cat that absolutely loves people and is quite clingy. And I know dogs that couldn’t care less if you were there or not. But as a general rule of thumb, most cats are introverts, and most dogs are extroverts.

